Patroness of those enduring the loss of a loved one Invoked for strength and perseverance Feast Day: January 4
Elizabeth Ann Seton’s story took place not too long ago. She was born in 1774 and was originally a fervent Episcopalian. Regardless of what religious label is placed on Elizabeth, however, one thing is certain: she was a resilient and resourceful person.
It seems death’s door was always opening around Elizabeth throughout her life. Her mother died when she was only 3, her father died early in her life and she lost her husband when she was only 29, leaving her alone with 5 small children to raise. Her 2 daughters, Anna Maria and Rebecca also died when they were very young.
Although she was suffering the loss of her children (probably the greatest loss for anyone to ever endure) and the loss of most of the rest of her family, She kept going. She took time to feel her grief and then resiliently put her energy into establishing a Religious Order (the Sisters of Charity) and constructing schools, the first one created in Baltimore in 1809.
Mother Seton saw her schools expand and educational concepts mirrored throughout the United States. Elizabeth persevered throughout many painful trials and tragedies during her life. She was venerated after her death, later attained Sainthood and has the distinction of being known as the first American-born Saint of the United States. In her SfS medal, Elizabeth Ann Seton is shown wearing her trademark bonnet.
Pray to Saint Elizabeth for guidance during times of great despair, try to feel her presence and she will hopefully help all, who for whatever reason, must endure senseless tragedies in life. @2000